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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ICFAI mertium college 9
ICFAI national college 41
INDERPRASTHA dental college 42
K.G. college 41
KBC KAPRON british college 41
LILAVATI college 41
LILAVATI college of busines 41
LILAWATI college of busines 35
MALWA college of nursing 41
NGPA college 16
NGPA college +umbrella 41
PICASSO animation college 41
RAMDEV VEDIC college 35
RBK college 41
SACHDEVA college +hat 42
SCOPE @ college 9
SHILA college note book 16
SHRI SAI computer college 41
SURYA medical college 41
SYS college 41
TAYLORS college 39, 41
TRINITY college london 9, 16, 41
VEDIC college 16
VIEW college +circle & arro 41
VYDEHI college of nursing 41
WIGAN & LEIGH college india 41
WINSTON college 41
WLC WIGAN & LEIGH college 41
apex college 16
international college +oval 41
international college girls 41
nehru college NCM +oval 41
q the quality college 16
regional management college 41
royal college +star & girl 41
sri KALISWARI college 41
BIYANI group of colleges 41
LAUREL +coller 25
ROBIN cuffs 'n collers +bir 3
ROBIN cuffs n collers 3
SABOORI collezione +drop 20
KOUTONS collezioni 18, 25
c CERINI collezioni +square 24
FRANT colling 25
ALTA collodial calcium 5
colo color +eye 9
PLANET colo 32
CINTHOL deo-cologne 3
MEDICOOL eau de cologne 3
PRINCE eau de cologne 3
WAVE cologne soap 3
colombo VIA DELLA SPIGA 3, 14, 18, 20
colombo 32
VALLI & colombo +stripes 6
ROYAL'S colonel xxx rum 33
colonizer 36, 37
color BANK +brush 2, 7
color BANK BERGER +brush 1
color BOND 2
color CAST 25
color CLUB 3
color COUNT 25
color DIC INDIA LTD +cross 2
color EDGE +oval & arcs 7
color FAB +plant 25
color IN 3
color MAN 9
color OPTIX 3
color PLACE 2, 16
color PRIDE 3
color RESIST 3
color SCAPES +drops 2
color SMART 3
color SPACE 2
color SPOTS +eyes 25
color STUDIO 3, 35
color SYNC 3
color TREK 9
color boss +globe & circle 2
color bugz 41
color chips +crown 9
color imaging EPSON +circle 16
color plus 9, 16
color secure 3
color sensational 3
color-STOP 37
BURGUNDY SESA hair color 3
CD CROSS color 25
CHROMAFLASH color matching 9
CITY color 3
CL SUSMI color lab +circle 9
CN color NEXT 3
CNC cut & color +oval 42
COLO color +eye 16
COLOR MATE hair color +woma 3
CP color plus +oval 24
CROMA color bath accessorie 6
DIGITIZING color +flowers 2
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